The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro


0 min


Ends at

A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to regret their decision to not fully appreciate the Liberator of Brazil.




Mystery, Comedy, Fantasy


Don Swanson


United States of America

Cast & Crew

André Santana

Rachel O'Day

Madeline Sclichter

Joe Fishel

Christopher Kai

Allen Enlow

Angela Kuzel

Jaden Brown

Anthony Babeaux

Benjamin Sheeler

Movie Poster

The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro

A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to regret their decision to not fully appreciate the Liberator of Brazil.

  • AndrĂ© Santana

  • Rachel O'Day

  • Madeline Sclichter

  • Joe Fishel

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