The story revolves around the mayor of Morschi married to a dancer whose son was born from his first wife. The mayor exploits the peasantry to achieve his personal ambitions and goals without paying attention to them. After a period, the mayor knows that someone from the ministry will search him, The mayor believes that one of them is the inspector-general of the ministry and approaches him, exploiting the other person to deceive the mayor with his friend and asking him for many bribes.
Comedy, Music
Helmy Rafla
The story revolves around the mayor of Morschi married to a dancer whose son was born from his first wife. The mayor exploits the peasantry to achieve his personal ambitions and goals without paying attention to them. After a period, the mayor knows that someone from the ministry will search him, The mayor believes that one of them is the inspector-general of the ministry and approaches him, exploiting the other person to deceive the mayor with his friend and asking him for many bribes.