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Three Kiwi-Asian girls live together in Auckland in this NZ take on Sex and the City.
Comedy, Drama
New Zealand
Episode 1
Lee wants to move out. As a series of failed interviews happen for Perlina and Jessica they are desperate for a good flatmate. Will Lee take the plunge and leave home for good?
7 min . 2013-02-21
Episode 2
We meet Jessica who is struggling to become a serious actor, without being stereotyped! Her hunky actor boyfriend Aiden doesn't seem to mind though. But does the new hot waiter?
8 min . 2013-02-28
Episode 3
Perlina wants to be liked, and consults an ex-boyfriend about a list of self-improvements to work on. Things go awry in the workplace, and Perlina discovers some difficult truths about being likable. As well as a silver lining?
7 min . 2013-03-07
Episode 4
The girls at Flat 3 hold a superhero-themed flatwarming, but things go awry as Jessica is left waiting for Jackie Chan, the hot waiter from EP2. Lee tests her art skills on Spiderman, Perlina trades insults with a caped Cow and friendships are sorely tested.
8 min . 2013-03-14
Episode 5
Love is in the air as Lee tries speed dating and Perlina prepares herself for a visit by an old flame. Jessica tries again to be a good friend, with mixed results.
6 min . 2013-03-21
Episode 6
Jessica leaps into survival mode when she discovers an unexpected visitor at the flat. As Perlina and Lee join the fray, a tense situation starts to get weird...
6 min . 2013-03-28
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