The story revolves around the cute and lively proprietress Su Xiao He who runs a pet shop on the banks of Qingshan Lake in Qingqiu Country Jiangzhou. She accidentally picked up a "Blue Soul Orb" and awakened the Meow Star Prince from the DW galaxy. The Prince incarnate as Mo Xiu Ran, a mysterious major general of the Qingqiu country. He and Su Xiao He signed a "master-servant contract" by chance. Although they were initially at odds, together they embark on an adventure, uncovering the secrets and found love in the process.
Drama, Action & Adventure
The story revolves around the cute and lively proprietress Su Xiao He who runs a pet shop on the banks of Qingshan Lake in Qingqiu Country Jiangzhou. She accidentally picked up a "Blue Soul Orb" and awakened the Meow Star Prince from the DW galaxy. The Prince incarnate as Mo Xiu Ran, a mysterious major general of the Qingqiu country. He and Su Xiao He signed a "master-servant contract" by chance. Although they were initially at odds, together they embark on an adventure, uncovering the secrets and found love in the process.