Get Millie Black




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Ex Scotland Yard detective Millie-Jean Black returns to Kingston to work missing persons; soon finding herself on a quest to save a sister who won’t be saved, to find a boy who can’t be found, to solve a case that will blow her world apart and prove almost as tough to crack as Millie Black.


Crime, Drama




United Kingdom

Cast & Crew

Tamara Lawrance

Joe Dempsie

Gershwyn Eustache Jnr

Chyna McQueen

Christopher Daley

Shernet Swearine

Belinda Reid

Peter John Thwaites

Movie Poster

Get Millie Black

Ex Scotland Yard detective Millie-Jean Black returns to Kingston to work missing persons; soon finding herself on a quest to save a sister who won’t be saved, to find a boy who can’t be found, to solve a case that will blow her world apart and prove almost as tough to crack as Millie Black.

  • Tamara Lawrance

  • Joe Dempsie

  • Gershwyn Eustache Jnr

  • Chyna McQueen

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